Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to New York

So it has been a while since my last update but here I am sitting in New York City thinking to myself: this is really happening. Of course I am scared (mainly for the language barrier) but I am also thrilled. Waiting in Laredo, Spain for me I have a little sister and host mom who promised me kisses! And everyone here is so nice and things are going smothly(minus a few technological problems that messed up time schedules). It was a fun filled day of orientations and getting to know some incredible people. In just a few hours I'll be on an over night flight to my home for the next couple of months, crazy to think about but an adventure I am ready to take part in. Of course not to rush things too fast I still have a few more orientations in the morning.

Goal: to become adaptable to any situation and emerge myself in a new language and culture.

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