Friday, October 19, 2012

Yo tengo amigos(;

Okay so since I do not update often I try to make these as interesting and fun to read as possible... how am I doing? (actually I write whatever is going through my mind at the moment so sorry for any rambling).

Today my topic is one if my favorite things in Spain... MIS AMIGOS (or for you English speakers in the world: mis amigos is my friends... in Spanish;]).  Having friends makes things so much easier and more fun and I was lucky enough to get a whole group of them not even days after I arrived. (I mean what is better than people who are forced to be your friend? Lol). But anyway my point is I have friends and I love them and I want to tell you all about them. (not all of them because I am going to play cool like I have too many to even count, but most).

Starting with reasons why I love them:
1)  Their English skills. (As in the fact that they are willing to stumble through their English to try to include me, makes me more comfortable to stumble through my Spanish too.)
2)   The group antics. (As you know all groups have their silly things they like to do and whether it is telling me the group gossip or letting me in on the inside jokes, my group makes me feel welcome and there I never a weekend I don't get invited to hang with them<3)
3).   WhatsApp. (It is the texting app they use and I swear the patience they have with my spelling is heaven sent. But let me just tell you my day was made when I was added to their group chat. )
4).   The laughter. (I can't think of a time I wasn't laughing or smiling in any of the memories I have made so far with them. Whether it is from them teasing me for thinking every dog is cute or then just being muy loco, I always find something to smile at)

Next a little bit about what we do:
Walk, walk, walk, walk... WALK. Walk up two hundred stairs, walk along the beach, walk in the town, etc... (much to my surprise, today I was invited to go for a run... I think... It was in Spanish...)
Not complaining though, my legs look great!

And finally the importance of friendship:
I can honestly say these are some of the people who are going to change me the most...and that means so much to me.

Shout out to my friends in the USA... Hi! (in reference to your Tweet Marie Dolores, you have just been mentioned in my blog)

1 comment:

  1. Friends! The best thing ever! I will be at Dallastown on Friday to do AFS presentations. I will be showing pictures of you and Colin and may include some excerpts from your blog! Can't wait!
