Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Okay so i'll admit I forgot I had this thing for a little while so thanks to a tweet with multiple explanation points I am now updating once again (hopefully I remember to do this more often). Honestly when I pictured myself in Spain I imagined myself a blogging fiend...but that has obviously yet to happen. Welp, anywho... things have happened since I last updated so let me get you all caught up:
October 17th I took my PSAT at an American school in Bilboa, which was a hectic experience to even plan it. I ended up buying my own bus ticket to ride to Bilboa (about an hour long ride) to meet a man I had never met before to have him drive me about thirty minutes to the school where I proceeded to wait with a different set of people I had never met before until it was finally time to go take my test with more strangers... And did I mention all of this occurred in Spanish? (Well my test wasn't in Spanish but my conversations were). It was so weird to have kids come up to me and start conversations with me in fluent English during the exam process. I didn't  even know whether I should use Spanish or English! I understand that people try to be nice and use your language to talk to you, but it honestly just confuses the heck out of me. (though I do appreciate it in school when the kids explain things I do not understand... Love my fellow classmates) I need to choose one language and stick to it. Though I do not see that happening because I have slipped up a couple times and spoken in French... Haha thank goodness they know that here too!
Qué más? Nothing as exciting as the PSAT has happened recently. Everyday it's the same thing: Wake up at 7:00 (so much better than 6:00), go to eat breakfast at 7:15 (Breakfast consists of fresh squeezed orange juice, milk, toast with jam, or something to dip in your milk. My milk is always hot with nesquick chocolate mix! Mm.. So yummy. And the bread is bought fresh everyday so dipping it in my chocolate milk is the best.) later at 7:45 i begin my two ish mile walk to school with head phones in and many layers of jackets, 8:30 is when classes start and then at 2:25 I head back to the house for a two course meal (aka lunch), then STUDY STUDY STUDY, dinner at 7:15 (which is early for Spain), speaking English with the mini me (mi hermana pequina) and then shower and bed (or rather more studying... What is sleep?). Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to my Spanish dance class at 6:30 so that messes up my schedule but I always look forward to it. It is very cool to see another side of the culture through the dances and music. Plus talking to the other girls in my class is a great way to practice my Spanish (they are younger so it is less embarrassing to mess up and they repeat every word that leaves my mouth haha so sweet). Not to mention I adore the sass that comes with the dances!
Now the fun parts of my weeks are Fridays and Saturdays because that is when I get to stay out late (9pm...) and walk around town with my friends (typically kicking a soccer ball, buying snacks, or just walking to nowhere in particular) and as I wrote in a pervious blog post I ADORE MY FRIENDS.
Then Sundays are for church and more studying... THEN IT IS MONDAY AGAIN WHOA!
Now typically there have been days where I do not go to school because the economy is not the best right now and people are having protests. Students protesting budget cuts, teachers and anybody with a job protesting other things related to the economy... I am not fully informed on the topic right now but don't worry I am doing my research. But anyway the protesting involves skipping school and hanging signs and ya know protesty things...
Also there are a lot of fiestas so we have a lot of holiday breaks (school also lasts till late June so...). A lot of the time it seems no one really knows what the fiesta is even for haha. (things like beer festivals and festivals that have just been there forever and no one remembers why they celebrate it)
It doesn't feel so much like an exchange program anymore, more like just my life.......

-Lexy (or Morgan to my professors or Alexis to those who cannot say Lexy)

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