Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Fashionistas of Spain

Okay here is something that has been weighing on my mind a lot recently... the fashion here in Spain. It is evident everywhere that each and every person has their own fashion sense. (Unlike America where there are fashion trends and EVERYONE just wears a variation of basically the same things) So whether you choose to dress like a hippy or a gangster or whether you choose to wear shorts in the winter or boots in the summer, no matter the fashion choice every outfit reflects who you are (even the boys). Obviously there are some things that are specifically trendy for everyone (just not as much as America). For example, scarves are very popular (man scarves are not attractive...but very common. Along with a few men wearing man capris aka manpris) also LEGGINGS FOR PANTS (I feel like such a hypocrite for all the times I complained about them because now I feel that is all I want to wear. When I get back that will be one sad habit to break... THEY ARE JUST SO COMFY). Dramatic close to my short post: From their shoes to their umbrellas the people in Spain are truly unique fashion icons to behold; from age 1 to 100, they rock all clothes. (no legit...even their umbrellas).

On a side note, I am insanely jealous of every girls' long hair here!

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